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Institute Of Computer Science Technology
Register under: Ministry of Corporate Affairs GOVT.OF INDIA : CR (ACT 1957) Ministry Of Human Resource Development


Awesome Projects Of Students

This project is skilled based project from our Alokya Institute "You have
- to join us now and uplode your projects"

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How does help Alokya Institute you?

There are a wide variety of advantages of information technology (IT) in the education sector today. Technology can benefit, enrich, and deepen the basic skills of students. By allowing students, it helps them to grow up and become computer literate adults. This computer literacy helps young adults to obtain knowledge in a wide variety of fields. This usage helps to create a nation that is educated and successful. A very important advantage of information technology is its ability to reduce the consumption of paper in the office, school, college, etc. We can exchange internal memos and reports electronically without using paper.

Deep Knowledge

Learning to code involves recognizing how to structure a program, and how to fill in every last detail correctly.

Free Notes

Taking notes is a vital part of learning and as a programmer we have specific needs that software such as Docs or Word can't cover.

Take your own time

Coding is not hard to learn, so it typically only takes three to six months to learn code if you want to master the basics. To figure out how long it takes to learn coding.

Create your server

Welcome to the MDN beginner's server-side programming course! The first article examines server-side programming from a high level, answering questions such as "What is it?"

Create your website

Website security requires vigilance in all aspects of building and operating a site. This introductory article helps you understand the first important steps

Get Certified

Research and Choose the Right Certification Before you start the application process, carefully review the available certifications at the Aloya Institute.

Connect with us from 10AM to 4PM, Monday- Saturday for grievance/query redressal. Hear directly from Alokya Academy!

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How to upload your project

Upload your project in github/live server

  • git init
  • git add .
  • git commit -m "Add all my files"
  • git remote add origin
  • Upload of project from scratch require git pull origin master.
  • git pull origin master
  • git push origin master

Student's Projects

Alokya Institute's student projects may encompass web development portfolios, mobile app development, data analysis, and machine learning projects. Students can also engage in creative writing or marketing campaigns. These projects showcase practical skills and knowledge gained during their studies.

E-commerce website

E-commerce is the activity of electronically buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet.


Trading website

Trade involves the transfer of goods and services from one person or entity to another, often in exchange for money.


Hotel website

A hotel is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis.


"Make quick decisions, Gain your Knowledge with ALOKYA INSTITUTE"